NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions | Mathematics NCERT Grade 10

NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions

Mathematics NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions: This chapter starts with the explanation of the arithmetic progression and how it is related to our daily routine. Once it is understood, the next step is to study the various terms related to arithmetic progression.

a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ...

This is the general form of an AP.
Exercise 5.1 tests the students on the basic concept of arithmetic progression. Moving ahead to the next section, students will find a detailed description on the nth term of an AP. Various solved examples are given to make the problems of this chapter more comprehensible. Exercise 5.2 is given with multiple problems so that students can practice more about the same. The next section explains how to find the Sum of First n Terms of an AP.  In exercise 5.3 different types of word problems are given which lays emphasis on the same concept. A few diagrammatic questions are also given which makes the exercise interesting. Exercise 5.4 is an optional exercise and is not from the examination point of view.  Later, a summary of the chapter is provided followed by a note to the reader.

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