NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 6- Triangles | Mathematics NCERT Grade 10

NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 6- Triangles

Mathematics NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 6- Triangles: We all are familiar with triangles and are also aware that it has many properties. Factors like congruency and similarity are known to everyone. But going deep into the same, a short description of similar figures is given. 
Certain factors are stated that helps in recognizing whether the figures are similar or not. An activity is given to make this concept more clear.
The next section is on the topic- Similarity of Triangles. Basic proportionality theorem and its converse are important theorems to be studied in this chapter. The next section deals with different criteria that are used to prove the similarity of triangles:

  • AAA similarity criterion
  • AA  similarity criterion
  • SSS similarity criterion
  • SAS similarity criterion

Several theorems and activities are also given in this section. Exercise 6.4 is based on the topic- Areas of similar triangles. The next section deals with Pythagoras theorem and has an exercise based on the same. In the end, there is an optional exercise that is not from the examination point of view and the summarization of key points is done.

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