NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations | Mathematics NCERT Grade 10

NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations

Mathematics NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations. We all have dealt with so many real-life situations where we come across quadratic equations. A short example is given to explain how we can deal with real-life problems with quadratic equations. 

                                               ax2 + bx + c = 0 ; a≠ 0

In the first exercise, students will learn how to check whether the given equation is quadratic or not and representing the same.
Next part of the chapter deals with finding the solution of the quadratic equation by the following methods:

  • Factorisation
  • Completing the Squares
  • Quadratic formula

Later students will study the nature of roots using the determinant. How to determine the nature of roots is made more clear by giving certain examples. In exercise, 4.4 questions are given in which the nature of roots has to be determined and also finding the real roots if they exist. In the end, all the important points of the chapters are covered in the summary.

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