NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 2, Polynomials
Mathematics NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 2, Polynomials chapter starts by citing about degrees of polynomial and differentiation of polynomials based on its degree. The next section describes the geometrical meaning of the zeroes of a polynomial. Various graphs are shown to explain how plotting of equations is done. Parabolas are introduced in this section.
After that, solved examples are given to show how the number of zeroes can be determined by using the graphical method.
Exercise 2.1 is based on the same concept. In the next section, the relationship between zeroes and coefficients of a polynomial is explained.
Exercise 2.2 consists of questions in which students need to find the sum and product of zeroes of the given polynomial.
Moving further, students will learn about division algorithms for polynomials.
Exercise 2.3 is based on the same.
Additionally, an optional exercise is given but that exercise is just for practice and not given from the examination point of view.
For a perfect finish, a few important points are given to give a summary of the chapter.
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