NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 15: Probability | Mathematics NCERT Grade 10

NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 15: Probability

Mathematics NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 15: Probability- In the starting of chapter empirical or experimental and theoretical or classical probabilities are discussed. The first section is about Probability- A Theoretical Approach. One will come across the term equally likely outcomes in this section.
In this chapter, it is assumed that all the experiments have equally likely outcomes. Different solved examples are given to explain the concept of probability.  Certain remarks are given, which should not be ignored.
After that, complementary event is another topic which requires one's attention. Impossible and sure or certain events are also discussed in this chapter. There are a total of 13 solved examples in this section out of which example number 10 and 11 are not from the examination point of view.
This chapter contains only one exercise, 15.1 which is a vast exercise comprising of 25 questions.
An optional exercise is also given which however is not from the examination point of view. And in the end, students will find a summary of the chapter in 7 points.

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