NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 11: Constructions | Mathematics NCERT Grade 10

NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 11: Constructions

Mathematics NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 11: Constructions- The chapter starts with a short introduction.
Following constructions are to be studied in this chapter:

  • To divide a line segment in the given ratio.
  • To construct a triangle similar to the given triangle as per the given scale factor.
  • To construct the pair of tangents from an external point to a circle.

The division of a line segment is explained first. Given steps help in understanding the construction in a better and effective manner. The steps of construction are followed by justification which give an insight into the logic used behind the construction.
Exercise 11.1 contains 7 questions all are related to construction of similar triangles and division of line segment. This is followed by the construction of tangents to a circle. In this section student will not only draw tangents to circle but will also measure their lengths, construct tangents inclined to each other at some angle etc. Exercise 11.2 is based on the same. In the end, a summary of the chapter is provided.

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